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Gratis International Law de Anders Henriksen PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis International Law Spanish Edition

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Críticas Review from previous edition I am impressed. The chapters are very well structured and, though concise, still in-depth. The chapter commentaries, recommended reading, and particularly the questions for discussion are excellent. (Professor Larissa van den Herik, Leiden University)The writing style is clear and suitable for non-native English speakers. The author gives many examples to clarify the theory and this will certainly appeal to the students. I like that the author deals with international law issues from a civil law perspective, as this makes the book highly suitable for the European continent. (Dr Ingrid Westendorp, Maastricht University)The author writes as though he is giving a lecture, explaining the key issues, rather than mapping out the complete subject area in excessive detail. (Märta Johansson, Örebro University)The book is very clearly presented and concise. It is very accessible and presents all the relevant topics in a succinct and structured manner. (Dr Daniela Obradovic, University of Amsterdam)The text is very informative, inventive, and uses contemporary examples to clarify the law. (Pétur Dam Leifsson, University of Iceland) Reseña del editor International Law provides a fresh, student-focused approach and European perspective on the central issues in public international law. Providing ideal coverage for short foundational courses, this engaging textbook introduces all the essential topics in a concise and manageable way. Dedicated chapters on environmental law, economic law, and human rights are included, ensuring that appropriate coverage is given to the various areas affected by international law. The core topics are fully explained in plain terms and the principles and key terminology outlined in an accessible style. Taking a critical perspective throughout, Henriksen introduces the areas of debate and builds students' confidence in understanding the complexities of the international legal system and its operation across borders. Particular emphasis is placed on the key issues in civil law jurisdictions, making this text perfectly suited for students based in mainland Europe. A range of learning features highlight the important areas of debate and encourage students to engage critically with important disputes. Central issues boxes introduce each chapter, highlighting the controversies and key principles explored; chapter summaries provide an overview for students to review their understanding of a particular topic; discussion questions encourage students to apply their knowledge to addressing specific problems within the context of the subject; and carefully selected recommended reading lists guide students' wider research and enable them to broaden and consolidate their learning. Online ResourcesInternational Law offers a range of freely available materials to support lecturers and students in their studies. These resources include: - Short podcasts introducing the core topics covered - Advice on answering the Questions for Discussion at the end of each chapter - Links to other international law resources Biografía del autor Anders Henriksen is a former Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. He is now with the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. He has published widely on public international law and security-related issues; the law and cyberspace; drone warfare; and the use of force.

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